
United Travel Agency



Established in 1984, UTA (United Travel Agency) is Jordan’s oldest and most conspicuous travel agency and Destination Management Company. The company is now home to over 60 associates working out of offices in Jordan (Amman, Aqaba and Petra), Erbil-Iraq, Qatar, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.

UTA provides its clients with a holistic service offering specialized wide range of ground services to visitors of Jordan. The attention to detail in executing tour itineraries has encouraged many international tour wholesalers and operators to entrust UTA with serving their clients.




Experiences in Jordan


Ready to Travel

Treasures of Jordan


Adventure Packages

From the towering cliffs of Wadi Rum to the underwater coral paradise in the Red Sea, Jordan is a playground for all kinds of activities and adventure. UTA offers unrivaled access to them all, including guided hikes through the spectacular Wadi Mujib canyon above the Dead Sea and to sections of the newly completed Jordan Trail.

In the incomparable Wadi Rum, UTA can arrange the full spectrum of activities from 4×4 tours and camel treks to rock climbing and even hot air balloon rides above the majestic landscape. Any visit can be rounded off by sleeping under the stars in one of the modern desert campsites.

Laying on the coast of the Red Sea at Jordan’s very southern tip, Aqaba is the kingdom’s aquatic sports hub. Scuba divers and snorkelers can survey the area’s stunning corals and internationally renowned dive sites, which include wreck dives around a submerged ocean liner and former Jordan Army tank.


Religious Packages

Located in the Holy Land and criss-crossed with sites recorded in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and sections of the Koran, Jordan has been a gateway for pilgrims throughout the centuries.

UTA can provide Biblical tour packages that allows visitors to experience Bethany in the River Jordan, the baptism site of Jesus, Mount Nebo, from which the promised land was revealed to Moses, and the likes of Umm Qais, the biblical Gemara, where Jesus was said to perform the miracle of the swine, when he cast demons from two local men.

Other key biblical sites include the enchanting Mukawwir, or Machaerus, where Salome danced for King Herod, and Lot’s Cave, which was a place of refuge for Abraham’s nephew.


Eco Tourism Packages

Jordan has long understood the potential of its many nature reserves, all of which are protected by the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN). As a result, ecotourism has started to flourish in Jordan, with a host of environmentally friendly and sustainable lodges and tours catering to visitors who wish to leave as small a carbon footprint as possible while engaging with the local community.

The multi-award-winning Feynan Lodge is perhaps the foremost of these. Located in a rocky enclave in the south of the country, it operates completely off-grid and hosts tours of the surrounding area, including hikes up to the wondrous Dana Reserve – over which another lodge, this one run by the RSCN itself, offers the best views of any hotel in Jordan.

In the north, Ajloun’s protected area is an oasis of cooling green trees and rolling hills, with experiential tours offering visitors a glimpse of ancient olive groves and local sustainability projects such as a natural soap factory. In Azraq, a former British hospital has been converted into a lodge a short drive from the wetlands, which is an important stopping off point between Europe and Africa for migrating birds.


Historical & Cultural Packages

For most visitors to Jordan, the world-famous historical sites top the list of must-see destinations. Petra, the ancient Nabatean city, carved out of the red-hued rock remains the country’s biggest draw, and UTA provides guided tours throughout the complex. Aaron’s Tomb and Little Petra are also highly recommended to fully appreciate this remarkable site.

Petra, though, is far from the only site of note in Jordan. Jerash in the north is among the region’s best preserved and most spectacular Roman sites, boasting sweeping theatres, a unique colonnaded oval forum and a hippodrome that boasts gladiatorial and chariot reconstructions.

Umm Qais, at the country’s most northerly point, is a Roman settlement built from striking black basalt that overlooks the Sea of Galilee and the Golan Heights. The subsequent Byzantine era bequeathed a wealth of mosaics in and around the city of Madaba, just 30 minutes from Amman, while the legacy of the Ummayad dynasty can be found in the 8th Century desert palaces of Kharaneh, Amra and Azraq that stretch out to the east of the kingdom. Fast forward to the Crusader era, and the likes of Kerak, Ajloun, and Showbak are remarkably well-preserved castes that stand as a reminder to the tumultuous events of the Middle Ages.


Images of the ancient Nabatean city of Petra, carved from the rock over a thousand years ago, have long been most people’s first impression of Jordan. But while Petra is indeed one of the most stunning attractions in the Middle East, Jordan offers so much more for the modern traveller. A well-travelled bridge between sea and desert, east and west, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a land of mesmerizing beauty and contrasts.

From the fertile and ever-changing Jordan Valley to the immense and unmoving remote desert canyons, visitors can explore splendid desert castles, gaze in awe at the haunting wilderness of Wadi rum, or bathe in the restful waters of the Red Sea. For adventure lovers, there’s horse riding, 4x4 safaris, rock climbing and hiking. For taking it easy, nothing on earth compares to the Dead Sea and its many spa facilities.


Jordan is blessed with four distinguished seasons. During winter, rain and high chance of snow avails the country only to give way for a striking spring filled with fields of flowers and green, picturesque scenery.

Summer comes around with warm sunshine and although the temperature might excel to an average of 35°C, it quickly cools down in the evening to a refreshing breeze. Autumn swoops in with mild cool weather during the day, and at night a light jacket is always recommended. Seasons are fairly recognized as follows:


Mid of March – End of May: Spring

October – Mid of November: Autumn

Mid November – Mid of March: Winter

June – End of September: Summer