A-Z Foundation Logo.jpg

The A-Z Foundation, established by Nadine Jones, is an Australian social enterprise. The concept entails obtaining surplus resources in one country and sending them to lower economically developed areas.

Nadine Jones is the founder of the Jones & Co Collection, a travel representation company in Australia. Due to her work, Nadine attends many travel events and exhibitions and frequently stays in hotels receiving an overload of toiletries and gift baskets. Nadine uses these disproportionate resources to send to schools & trusts in Zambia, a much more rewarding beneficiary of vital cleansing equipment.


what does the a-z foundation do?

The A-Z Foundation sends toiletry packs and other supplies to these schools and charities. These are the supplies typically found in the average hotel room, such as soaps, shavers, sewing kits, cotton buds, toothbrushes, slippers, and pens. The idea was inspired by the excessive amount of resources that are taken for granted every day and often thrown away.


why is there a need?

Less privileged individuals in these places lack the common resources Australians overlook each day. As small as the contents in the package are, it is critical to maintain hygiene and support for everyday living and reinforce providing philanthropic aid to lower economically developed areas.