
Humanitarian Projects


Jones & Co Collection has the privilege of supporting the below humanitarian foundations. These projects help local communities survive, preserve and protect wildlife, and build a more safe, healthy, and happy future for the families involved. To get more information or to donate, please click on the websites below.

Tongabezi Trust SCHOOL - Zambia|

Tujatane has grown from a pre-school class of 15 children to a primary school with over 240 students. Completely funded by donations, the development of the school has been made possible through the generosity of donors all over the world.

Tujatane is more than just a school. It’s a support system for the community. To see the development of children from having virtually nothing to graduating from university and progressing into ambitious career paths, you then see the importance. Most children will walk 10km, rain or shine, to school every day and most are not being fed breakfast at home. Tujatane currently provides all of its 240+ students and teaching staff a full lunch every day and porridge at break times. I had the privilege of visiting. 


Meet Frank

The children of Tujatane typically live with their families in mud huts. They have no running water and limited access to electricity. The huts are typically comprised of one or two rooms and the kitchen is an outside charcoal burner. The shower is a grass wall to which the family brings a bucket for washing themselves.

I was lucky enough to meet Frank, instantly falling in love with him. Visiting him and his community was an eye-opening experience, and as soon as I got there, it felt like home. Seeing the trials these young children have to face every day was inspiring. Jones & Co has been sponsoring Frank since 2014. Supporting Frank's education attempts to build a more solid foundation for a promising future. To learn more about the community or help out in any way, click here

2016 Visit

It was wonderful to have the opportunity to catch up with Frank. It was great to see him growing strong and to see his English and school grades improving. I witnessed a massive improvement in his confidence. Last year he only spoke a few words to me, whereas this year, he confidently read to me in front of the class.

It was my pleasure to present, on behalf of Frank's sponsors, two new bicycles to Frank and his brothers. They were overjoyed, and I am sure they will get a lot of use over the coming years.

~ Nadine

2017 Visit

Another year old and Frank and his family is doing well, I have been able to spend some time with Frank’s mum on this trip and wanted to find out what she likes and how her passion could possibly help support her family. I found out Charity (Frank’s Mum) liked to sew. As Tujatane also runs adult classes for parents. Charity wanted to participate and learn more about sewing. I purchased her a sewing machine so she could make items which she would sell, Charity would then purchase more material, service her sewing machine and buy food for her family.

She was very happy to have a sewing machine that didn’t require power as she does not have electricity at her home.

2018 Visit

In 2018, I was lucky enough to take my mother to Zambia, it was so lovely for the mothers to meet. It was very special for both of them. The boys got heaps of new clothes and even Max, their oldest brother came for a visit to say hi. Frank is now in Grade 2 and working hard on improving his English. Frank loves science and playing outdoors with his friends.

2019 Visit

It was a special year with Frank in Grade 3 and big improvements in his English, we were able to have little conversations. Frank is an active listener and enjoys participating in small and large group discussions. He is able to readily discuss books with me and his classmates. Frank gets along well with others in the classroom. He is polite to peers and adults, in and out of the classroom. Further, he has shown good admirable leadership and has proven to be a good mobiliser of his friend.

This year we walked home with the boys from school, carrying all their goodies. We were welcomed into their home so a cold drink, this was a very special memory.

In the picture below, you can see the boys wearing some shirts made by their mum Charity.

2020 - Pandemic

As the year went into turmoil with Covid-19, I was unable to travel this year and for the next 2 years. This was devastating as I didnt get to visit Tongabezi. The school has been amazing and keeping me up to date with the situation and of course how Frank is progressing in school. Frank is growing a big personality and becoming cheeky. He is still loving science and reading more and more.


The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust embraces all measures that complement wildlife conservation, preservation, and protection. These include anti-poaching, safeguarding the natural environment, and enhancing community awareness. In addition, they also focus on addressing animal welfare issues, providing veterinary assistance to animals in need, and rescuing and hand rearing elephant and rhino orphans and the other species that can ultimately enjoy a quality of life in wild terms when grown.

Foster a baby elephant

Rescued orphaned infant elephants arrive at the Trust's Nairobi Nursery severely traumatised by the events that have caused the separation from their mother. During this critical period, survival hangs in the balance. The Nairobi Nursery offers a secure base and a loving environment to nurture these orphans in their time of greatest need successfully. The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust has hand-reared and successfully rehabilitated over 130 orphaned elephants back in the wild.

Jones & Co Collection is happy to be the foster parent of Kithaka, separated from his mom and rescued at one week old


To find out more information on the Baby Elephant Foster Parent Programme click here 

Sheldrick’s Reintroduction Camp – Tsavo East, Kenya

A magical experience in Kenya. Stay at Sheldrick’s eco lodges where you’ll have the opportunity to exclusively interact and watch how they are reintroducing these orphaned elephants to the wild. An experience of a lifetime!

To find out more information on the Reintroduction Camp click here